Easy Tips for Shooting with a Shallow Depth of Field

Easy Tips for Shooting with a Shallow Depth of Field

Have you ever heard about Shallow depth of field for photos? Do you also know that are lots of styles that you can do in taking pictures, shallow depth of field included? For this style, the subject has a blur-background, and it highlights or focuses on the object. Oh wait! I had this style of shots, the same as what I experienced, I have these shots, but I didn’t know that it is called Shallow depth of field. For a clearer or shall I say more focused with this shot, this article is for you. Here are several tips in taking a Shallow depth of field photos.

Shallow Depth of Field: What is it?

Like what I had said earlier, Shallow Depth of Field is the subject has the blurred background, and it focuses on the object. Or merely the sharpness of the object, are, by the camera. Only You should know that the area or the distance between the camera and the object will have a different result. Adjusting the settings of your camera will be a great strategy to get the best shots. We uses alot of this techniques in our event photography and our clients like this effect alot.

Shooting with a Shallow Depth of Field- tips

Taking a Shallow depth of field is not that you only need to take a photo or anything. There are steps or things that you should consider to have a tremendous Shallow depth of field photos.  With that here are some tips:

  • Make the proper placement

In making good Shallow Depth of Field shot, it is a must that you have a suitable arrangement. Take note of the distance between your subject and its background. The more the distant, the lesser the amount of distraction from the scene. Taking a several feet from the object, the more highlight on the subject and will help to maximize the blurredness of the background image.

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  • Camera lens- focal length

The camera lens gives an essential aspect of getting a Shallow Depth of Field. Focal length may vary in the type of camera lens it has. Cameras have different lenses, and some have a wider aperture so you must know what kind of camera you have and shots also depend on it.

  • Camera settings

The DSLR cameras have settings like for portrait mode, auto mode, and many more. Shallow depth of field is also available, and if you want it to be manually, you only need to set the camera settings in the aperture priority mode to make it.

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The aperture is vital in achieving the depth of field images, and it is the easiest to do so. However, getting a Shallow depth of field images can also be in a long and small aperture. It will create excellent shallow depth of field results. So that’s it! Knowing the basics in getting a Shallow depth of field images, it’s time to apply them in your next photoshoots. Have a great day while you are taking your Shallow depth of field images.

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