Macro Photography Secret

macro photography

Tips on How to Take Macro Photography

Macro photography is a type of photography wherein the size of the subject is greater than life size and take a shot with extreme close-up photography. This is commonly done with small subjects or living organism such as insects.

If you want to take Macro Photography, here are some tips you can follow.

Choose the Best Lens

Typically, the focal length of macro lenses has a scope of 50mm-200 mm. By choosing the best lens, you can take a shot of your subject emphasizing its focus.

Make a Standard Zoom Focus Closer by Adding Tubes

To make the lens focus closer creating a much bigger image of a small object, use extension tubes that fit between the rear base of the lens and the camera body.

See Related: Studio Photography

Add a Diopter to Make a Lens Focus Closer

Make use of single-element lenses such as close-up filters. These filters look like magnifying glasses. The close-up filter can give a low-priced substitute to splashing out on a pukka macro lens. These filters come in diverse assets that are measured in diopters and frequently accessible in sets of +1, +2 or +4 diopter magnification. Accumulating a diopter to a bridge camera will allow you to achieve pleasant close-up shots. Diopters can also suit in Cokin style square filter schemes.

Use Apertures to Control Depth of Field

Using apertures to control the depth of field can make any out-of-focus highlights look very attractive. It will show as circle-like bubbles that catch the eyes of the viewers.

Blend Flash with Ambient

It will be nicer to add a glitch of flash with more static subjects. It will help to enliven the subject in your shot.

Use a ‘Third Hand’

In macro photography, there is an essential accessory device called “third hand.”  This helps to support or position subjects just where you desire to and provide many possibilities of positioning backgrounds.

Fine-tune Macro Pattern Compositions

It is best to use fine-tune composition in-camera during the shooting if possible, even though you can crop the images using the software right after. You will be ensured to either completely fill the frame to have no gaps around the edges with the help of close-up pattern details.

Point of Focus

When working close-up shots with small subjects, it is important to consider the actual point of focus. By choosing where to focus, you can change the appearance of it and add up creativity.

Check LCD Panel

To make sure you got your desired shot before taking another one, make use of your rear LCD facility. To ensure that there are no intrusions, you can look at the corners and check whether if there are.


To change the look of the subject, you can add a variety of colored background to your macro photography. Gras, tree foliage, a combination of bushes and sky are natural subjects that can be used as backgrounds.

Moreover, the simple tips on how to take macro photography will help you get your desired shot. Follow these tips, and you can totally get an excellent macro shot of your subject. Focus and click now!

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