Cultural Medallion Young Artist Award

The Cultural Medallion Young Artist Award has been a project that we have had the great honour and pleasure of handling for the past 3 consecutive years of from 2018 to 2020.

The latest one was Completed in October 2020 and it was a Lifestyle Professional Portraiture.

There were multiple challenges that impeded our progress along the way, that we had to overcome or circumvent. Of which one of the primary challenges was that we were only given the location to conduct the shoot at the artist’s preferred venue only days before the shoot, and we have almost no time to plan ahead. Additionally, the photographer will have to adept based on the location as well as the artist’s preference if any. Some venues chosen include the artist’s home, and being discrete and not revealing the location in the images is also very important. The experience level and communication skills of the photographer plays a very important role.

Another obstacle were the artists’ busy schedules, and working around that to complete the shoots efficiently and professionally. The winners are all usually very busy with tight schedules, and we have to ensure that we could complete the shoot professionally and efficiently within the given time. We would always have a short chat upon arriving, to understand the artist’s preferences in terms of how they want to be represented in images, as well as their medium of work. With the information that we gathered, we will try to showcase in the artist’s works in the portraits as well. Being able to adept and understand the end-user’s preference and requirements in a short notice is a necessary skillset.

Thus far we have always managed to meet the deadlines, and have managed to produce works that were representational of the artists and their styles and requirements.

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